
Designing Better Walkways for Pedestrians in Urban Work Zones

Author(s): Cox

Slidedeck Presentation Only (no paper submitted):

Slidedeck not available


Traditionally, the design of transportation improvement projects focused on maintaining mobility for vehicular traffic during the construction phase. Care is given to staging and timing of projects to interrupt as little as possible the flow of road users.

With the expansion of the definition of road users to include bicyclists and pedestrians, project designers need to identify the effects that their project will have on these road users.

Often the closing of a sidewalk forces pedestrians into the street or into the work space? The closing of an existing pathway without providing an alternate path is even more dangerous for the most vulnerable pedestrians, those with vision or mobility disabilities.

* Demonstrate the effects of street construction on pedestrians
* Identify the requirements for safe passage of pedestrians through work zones
* Discuss applicable regulations for pedestrian access in work zones
* Provide accessible options for designers of urban street construction
* Policy makers charged with achieving 'Vision Zero'
* Complete streets advocates
* Pedestrian advocates - especially those advocating for pedestrians with disabilities
* Urban street designers
* Use a slide deck to present the current regulations on pedestrian access
* Demonstrate the requirements that pedestrians need to safely transit a work zone
* Present a case study of the City of Toronto King St Expansion project
* Urban street construction is safe for pedestrians including those with disabilities
* Policy makers adjust standards to require accessible practices
* Project designers understand the requirements of an accessible work zone
* Accessible street construction = reduced pedestrian fatalities and injuries