
B.C. Coroners Service to review how to further reduce driver deaths

The Globe and Mail (VANCOUVER, B.C.)

Fewer young drivers are being killed in motor-vehicle crashes in B.C., but the number can still be cut further, the chair of a panel on the issue says.

“Something must be going right, because we have seen, since 2008, a declining rate in young-driver fatalities, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t ongoing opportunities to look at ways we can further reduce those numbers,” Michael Egilson said in an interview on Wednesday…

….Following a recommendation from the panel, the coroner’s service announced it will now conduct a review to determine how to reduce such deaths further.

Key elements of the review will be an assessment of the province’s graduated licensing program, launched in 1998, to see if it can be made more effective, and a renewed effort by the coroner’s service and the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia to collect more data on fatal crashes.

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